Tips for Pursuing Workers’ Compensation Settlements in Macomb County, MI

by | Jun 16, 2017 | Law Services

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Workers’ compensation insurance is a no-fault insurance system that works to protect the rights of injured workers and their employers. This insurance provides wage replacement and medical benefits for injured workers, and by accepting these benefits, workers agree not to pursue their employers through a lawsuit. Although the process for pursuing a claim should be straightforward, it is often anything but. When a worker is denied their claim or is treated unfairly with undue delays, it is vital they seek help from a lawyer. A lawyer can guide their client through the process of workers’ compensation settlements in Macomb County, MI.

There are specific laws put in place to protect injured workers. Once a person has been injured on the job, it is their responsibility to inform their employer as soon as possible. The employer then holds the responsibility of informing their insurance company so that the claims process can begin. For the first 28 days of treatment, the injured worker must see a doctor approved by their employer and insurance company. After that, they are free to see a doctor of their choice for the rest of their treatment.

If a worker finds their employer will not file an insurance claim on their behalf, they will need to file a Form WC-117 with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs through the Workers’ Compensation Agency. Should the employer or their insurance company deny the claim, injured workers can fill out a WC-1040A, which is an application to schedule a hearing or mediation.

Although it is not required, most injured workers feel more comfortable hiring a lawyer to help them through the appeals process so their rights can be protected and they have a better chance of receiving fair workers’ compensation settlements in Macomb County MI. A lawyer does not receive payment unless their client wins.

If you have been seriously injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Get assistance filing your claim by visiting  website. They are a law firm you can rely on to help you with your claim so you can get the benefits you deserve.

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