Want Dental Implants? Find Out If You Are a Good Candidate in Chicago, IL

by | Apr 27, 2022 | Dental Health

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Many years ago, painful and clumsy dentures were the only option for replacing lost teeth. However, today’s tooth loss patients can get dental implants that look, feel and function just like natural teeth. Are you a candidate for dental implants in Chicago? Here are three factors that help ensure your success with dental implants.

Healthy Enough for Surgery

Oral surgery is required to install dental implants, so you need to be healthy enough to receive sedation and lie back in a chair for the duration of the procedure. Consult with your regular physician first if you have a cardiovascular condition.

Enough Jawbone to Accommodate the Implant

Are you a candidate for dental implants in Chicago? That depends on how much jawbone mass you have. Because dental implants are anchored in the jawbone, not having enough bone to support the implant can cause it to fail.

Committed to Good Dental Hygiene

Not taking care of your dental hygiene can prevent your implant from healing properly, so you need to be committed to brushing, flossing, and regular cleanings. Make sure you can stay on top of dental hygiene before getting implants.

Are you ready to start your dental implant journey? With friendly, well-trained staff and modern technology, Northalsted Dental Spa offers a range of restorative, cosmetic, and general dentistry options to help you meet your specific needs and goals for a beautiful smile. Visit the Northalsted Dental Spa website online to learn more.

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