The Most Common Inconveniences and Annoyances in India

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Tours & Travel

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There is no question that planning a trip to India can be quite exciting. Once you are finished applying for an Indian Visa and have all the other legalities in order, you are ready to set off on your adventure. However, prior to arriving in this country, it is good to understand what to expect. As with any country, there will likely be things in India that are not only inconvenient, but also a bit annoying. Knowing what these things are ahead of time will help you avoid them completely, or at least be prepared and know how to handle them.


Even with all the economic growth in India in the past few years, it is still a developing country and there is quite a bit of poverty present. This results in begging. This is prevalent in any location where tourists are found including spiritual and religious sites, railway stations and monuments. The beggars in India are often quite persistent and it is important to give careful thought to how they should be dealt with.

Fraud and Scams

It is almost impossible to plan a trip to India and not encounter at least one scam or someone attempting to rip you off. A general rule of thumb is that if someone approaches you in India they will do so for a specific reason and it is usually because they want to take advantage of you. There is no need to be paranoid, but it is important to be cautious and aware of what is going on.

Hygiene and Sanitation

Unfortunately, in the realm of hygiene and sanitation India is quite lacking. This is why there are often a number of illnesses among visitors. There will be some adjustment required when visiting this country and taking extra care while there is essential to avoid becoming ill.


While India is not considered a violent country in terms of robberies, there are quite a few thieves who are waiting for the right opportunity to take advantage of a tourist’s carelessness in regard to their possessions. Most thieves will strike when visitors have not taken appropriate precaution with their items.

When you are aware of the most common issues, you will have a much better chance of avoiding a problem and ensuring that your experience in India is a positive one with no cases of issue.

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