Magpul Airsoft vs Real

by | Sep 9, 2016 | Shopping

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If you’re trying to decide which one to go for, then here are a few tips to help you out.

Know the Difference

Magpul airsoft is basically designed for use on airsoft guns. Real ones are designed to work with real firearms.

Know Your Game Level

There’s no sense taking on a real magpul when your games involve nothing more than backyard skirmishes. You can hardly go in, airsoft guns blazing, magpuls and all.

Sturdiness Matters

However, make sure you don’t just get any random magpul available out in the market. Sturdiness matters. You wouldn’t want those puls to kick in the bucket while you’re right smack in the middle of a game.

How to Tell What’s for Airsoft

Magpul versions designed to be for airsoft game use typically come with the label PTS. It’s clearly marked, so there’s no chance of you not seeing it. In some cases, only the box comes with a PTS mark.

What PTS Stands For

PTS stands for Professional Training & Simulation.

Why Get It

Magpul PTS is specially designed to help you improve the accuracy of your shots. It’s as close as anyone can come to the real deal. Others who want to take advantage of the benefits that come with using a real Magpul, though, say the results are markedly different.

Different Designs

A lot of Magpul PTS are designed to fit with nearly all kinds of airsoft as well as AEG guns. That means you could basically count on having the kind of magpul you need for any airsoft guns you have.

Real or Airsoft

Magpuls designed for airsoft use cannot be used with real firearms. However, Magpuls for real guns can be used with a number of airsoft guns.

Where to Get It

Whichever you buy, make sure to get it from a reputable dealer like Airsoft GI. That way, you can be absolutely sure you’re getting good quality ones.

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