When someone in a family is ill it can be a very hard and emotional time for everyone involved. The person that is ill worries about becoming dependent on others for their everyday needs. They do not want to leave the home they have lived for many years, and still want to be able to live independently. While they may need some assistance with their medical problems it is still possible for them to do this. When looking for a business that can assist you in allowing your parent to get the help they need, but still be independent to a certain extent, you may want to hire a caregiver in Washington DC.
This is the type of company where you can hire a caregiver to assist your loved one with recuperating after surgery and other medical conditions such as Parkinson’s. A company similar to Specialty Care Services, will be able to assist with the day to day activities such as feeding, hygiene, personal care and light housekeeping. This kind of assistance is available in the home on an hourly or live in basis through the use of certified nursing assistants or geriatric nursing assistants. These assistants are highly trained with at least two years experience in the health care field, CPR certification, professional licensing and more. All of the CNA and GNA candidates are insured and bonded for your loved ones protection. While this will be something new for your family member, the assistant that is sent to work with them is well versed in their condition and they will be able to meet them ahead of starting work.
While it is never easy to realize that your parent is getting older and not able to care for themselves completely. It is just as hard for the patient to come to the understanding that it is OK to need some help and that it does not make them any less independent. You can slowly bring someone into their home a few days a week hourly to assist with some housework or cooking. As time goes on and they come to need more help, you can bring someone in longer to assist with things such as their personal care. By hiring a Caregiver in Washington DC, you are assuring yourself that your parent is safe, being taken care of, and still allowing them the independence that they crave and need.