Advantages of Grain Storage Bins in Southern Idaho for Agricultural Enterprises

by | Feb 8, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

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Grain Storage Bins in Southern Idaho for family and individual agricultural operations may provide a way to encourage more of the state’s residents to stick with farming or choose it as a career. These types of agricultural enterprises have decreased significantly over recent decades. The work is hard, and income can be inconsistent.

Advantages of Storage Bins on the Farm

Grain storage bins on the property allow farmers to avoid having to buy a certain amount of feed and seed and can help them earn extra money by selling the grain when commodity prices increase. Another use is somewhat opposite to this one. Farmers who don’t grow grain crops but have agricultural animals can buy when prices are low and store the feed on their property.


About 24,000 farms and ranches are in business here, covering about 12 million acres. Beef and milk cows, along with sheep, are the principal agricultural animals in the state. The meat and dairy products are sold throughout the nation and exported to several other countries as well.

Idaho Crops

Idaho is known for potato production, but the state actually produces a large number of other crops. In addition to potatoes, farmers and ranchers also produce a significant quantity of wheat, barley, beans, peas, oats, apples, and mint.

Storing Crops

Grain Storage Bins in Southern Idaho are needed to hold some of these foods, along with millions of dollars worth of corn grown to feed livestock, as well as other food items. Enormous containers may be filled with summer or winter wheat, barley, or other crops. The round, silver storage bins gleam in the sunshine, visible to drivers from miles away as they head toward the farm on the highway.

In regard to corn, not only field corn for animals that is stored in bins supplied by a company such as Leon James Construction Co. Idaho produces about 85 percent of the world’s seed for sweet corn, a remarkable footprint on global agriculture. All that seed must be kept somewhere safe and dry until it is ready to be planted. Contact us to learn more about crop storage possibilities.

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