3 Tips for Choosing a Double Eyelid Surgeon in Los Angeles

by | Jul 31, 2017 | Health and Medical

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Choosing the right double eyelid surgeon in Los Angeles is a vital step in ensuring that you get the results that you are hoping for. You may find that you need eyelid surgery to correct a congenital problem, aging, trauma or to generally improve your level of comfort with your eyelids. Choosing the best double eyelid surgeon in Los Angeles will help to reduce risk of issues with the surgery and give you the outcome that you want.

The Tips
It is perfectly permissible to shop around looking for the best surgeon for your eyelid surgery, as a matter of fact it is strongly recommended that you put in the effort to find a surgeon you are comfortable with. Here are the top three tips for choosing a surgeon:

Tip # 1 Ask for Recommendations
Ask your optometrist for recommendations, ask family members and friends that have had the same surgery for their recommendations. Most people will share their experience with you and give you the name of their surgeon if they are happy with the results.

Tip # 2 Read Reviews
Many people will write up reviews and leave them online about their experience with their surgeon. Checking on these reviews can help to point you in the right direction. Of course, you do want to temper the information contained in these reviews with the research that you have done on your own.

Tip # 3 Experienced in this Field
There are a lot of plastic surgeons but they do not all specialize in this highly specialized field. You want to be sure that you choose a surgeon that does this specific type of surgery often and that is considered an expert in the field.

Kami Parsa MD is the surgeon you want for this type of surgery!

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