There is a commonly held belief that safety on a job site is a matter of common sense and that construction workers are well aware of the inherent dangers of the construction industry. The construction industry is always facing hard-to –meet deadlines; it is easy to see why site managers put productivity in front of safety training. This might look like a good idea, but on-site accidents can result in liability claims against the contractor and owner as well as slow the project down. The wise site manager knows that using available construction safety training products is a great way to protect workers and owners alike.
Construction sites are dangerous places:
Anyone that works in the construction industry knows of the dangers, but perhaps they are unaware of the extent. The Bureau of Labor, in their latest published report state, that there were 4,800 fatalities, of which well over 900 were in the construction industry. Unfortunately, the numbers are going up rather than down; there were more deaths in 2015 than in 2008 and 2009.
These are dismal numbers but bear in mind; they only represent fatalities, not injuries. There are untold numbers of construction site injuries every year because of falls, hit with an object, trapped in cave-ins and more.
Who is responsible for worker safety?
With the introduction of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970, workers have a right to a safe place to work. OSHA gives workers rights; it also mandates employers to provide construction safety training products to ensure safety.
On a typical construction site, it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure worksite safety. OSHA is strict on this; the organization states that in no case shall the contractor be freed oh responsibility for compliance with the regulations.
Using readily available construction safety training products, common construction hazards can be identified and avoided, keeping workers safe and downtime at the absolute minimum.
Safety Meeting Outlines, Inc. have been providing construction safety training products for 25 years. The company has helped manufacturing and construction organizations to be safer, more productive, and more profitable.