Proper Aeration Keeps Your Golf Course Smooth and Green

by | Mar 8, 2018 | Business

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When performing golf course maintenance the term aeration can generate some negative feelings for many of its players. While their frustration is understandable it is still important to ensure that your golf course is well maintained, and unfortunately aeration is part of that deal. All plants need air to grow and turf grass is no exception, in order to keep the playing surface of a golf course lush, smooth, and green it is imperative that its roots are adequately aerated.

Proper Soil Aeration Maintenance Assists In:

  • Eliminating Soil Compaction

  • Controlling Instances of Organic Matter

  • Increasing Root Oxygen Levels

  • Stimulating Root Growth

  • Improving Drainage and Eliminating Excess Water

Minimize the Amount of Surface Disruption with Revolutionary Aeration Equipment

In an effort to avoid turf failure many golf courses will aerate their courses regularly, much to the dismay of their players. However, if this maintenance method was not completed golfers would find themselves in much tougher playing conditions than initially perceived. The primary complaint for many golfers comes from core aeration that can in fact disrupt the surface of a golf course. This is an understandable grievance and any type if anomaly in the turfs surface and greatly impact their game. Luckily, there are companies like 1st Products Inc. who have developed golf course aeration equipment that significantly minimizes the amount of surface disruption while still providing exceptional aeration to the turf’s roots.

Keeping Your Turf Healthy for Years to Come

While the type of aeration equipment you choose will depend on many different factors including soil condition, and climate you will get the most out of your greens by keeping them healthy and properly aerated.

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