Is Your US Business Compliant with ADA Handrail Requirements?

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Computers

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In order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, your business may need to install ADA railing and ramps. ADA-compliant 505 handrails are required on-ramps with an incline greater than 6 inches, as well as on stairs. In addition, the handrails must run along both sides of the stairs or ramp.

The requirements for ADA railing are very specific, and an entire industry has sprouted up to meet these needs. Many companies manufacture and install ADA-complaint handrails to meet the government-mandated requirements. These companies can be invaluable.

Unfortunately, if you are not compliant with the ADA’s handrail requirement, you could be subject to a private party lawsuit or even run into trouble with the United States Department of Justice. In addition, you’ll need to comply with any state and local regulations that could be even more exacting than the federal government.

All of these requirements can be confusing, especially for a do-it-yourself business owner. When purchasing railing from a company that knows the ADA requirements extensively, it will save you time and money. Furthermore, hiring an installation contractor who is also familiar with local accessibility requirements will help to avoid punitive action by local code enforcers.

Fitting your business with ADA railing can seem like an unnecessary expense. However, these rulings were put in place not only to protect people with disabilities but also business owners. When trips and falls are avoided, your business avoids injury lawsuits.

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