Home Companion Care Service for a Child or Teenager With Severe Cerebral Palsy

by | Jun 20, 2016 | Healthcare

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Most home care providers focus solely or mainly on senior citizen clients, but people also can find a Home Companion Care Service for younger disabled individuals. A family can benefit greatly from hiring a companion for a child or teenager with severe cerebral palsy, for example. The service can allow the youngster to continue living at home when both parents work full-time. It also can offer some much-needed assistance to parents who feel overwhelmed caring for the disabled child along with other little ones.

A child or teen who has normal or close to normal intelligence but has significant trouble communicating will greatly appreciate the companionship of this person. Many individuals are not patient enough to carry on a conversation for very long with someone who speaks extremely slowly or must use computerized equipment to communicate. The relationship can help improve the young person’s emotional well-being and boost self-confidence.

An agency such as CareMinders Home Care also is beneficial for these clients because it offers sessions with occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physical therapists. All of these health care practitioners can be very valuable for people dealing with cerebral palsy. Occupational therapists and their assistants work with clients on skills that allow them to live as independently as possible. Physical therapists help the patients with exercises to prevent their muscles from deteriorating. Speech therapists work with the clients to improve any speaking abilities they have and also to improve their swallowing ability if that is an issue.

A worker from a Home Companion Care Service can assist with light-duty tasks around the house in addition to providing friendship to a disabled youthful person. This worker can help out with tasks such as doing laundry, unloading the dishwasher and preparing lunch. A seriously disabled youngster will most likely need assistance with eating, and the worker can do that as well. The child or teen looks forward to this companion’s arrival, since this means a change in routine and someone different to converse with. They might sometimes watch TV together or the child might enjoy hearing a story read by this companion. Visit the website for information on this home care organization. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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