Consider These Tips as You Decide About Lasik Surgery in Jacksonville

by | May 21, 2021 | Optometrists

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Before going into the Lasik eye surgery procedure, you should arm yourself with knowledge. This is likely to be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

Take time to research the options that are available in your area when it comes to surgeons. You want to work with the best Lasik surgeon in Jacksonville. Find out about their education and experience. Find out if they are board-certified. Ask direct questions when talking with different surgeons.

After you have found the best Lasik surgeon in Jacksonville, be sure to follow their pre-surgery instructions. This will help you avoid potential complications. For example, your surgeon is likely to recommend that you stop wearing soft contact lenses in the weeks before surgery. They may also ask you to stop wearing makeup in the days before and after the surgery with the goal of reducing your risk of contracting an infection.

While going through the surgery, you will be awake the entire time. The surgeon will use anesthetic drops to make the surface of your eyes numb during the procedure. Ask your surgeon questions about how you can take care of your eyes after the surgery.

It is good to know that perfect vision isn’t guaranteed with the procedure. About 96 percent of patients experience 20/20 vision after having the surgery done.

Learn how the team at Maida Custom Vision works tirelessly to provide a safe environment where they can offer quality eye care to their patients by visiting the following website.

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