All You Need to Know About Invitro Fertilization in San Francisco, CA

by | May 23, 2023 | Healthcare

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Invitro fertilization is a medical procedure that uses assisted technology to aid struggling couples in conceiving a child. This procedure entails bonding a sperm and an egg outside the human body and then planting the embryo in the uterus. The medical practitioners conducting invitro fertilization in San Francisco, CA use hormones to stimulate the production of eggs in the ovaries.

The eggs are then retrieved and transferred to the lab for fertilization. Sperm is then collected and combined with the eggs for fertilization to occur. The resulting embryo is finally transferred into the uterus to establish a pregnancy.

The process of invitro fertilization has several benefits to individuals struggling to get a pregnancy.

a. One of its key advantages is assisting couples who cannot conceive naturally.

b. The procedure can also help prevent genetic disorders by screening the embryos before implanting them into the uterus.

c. Any individual, including gestational carriers and surrogates, can use in-vitro fertilization.

d. Individuals who opt for this procedure can control the timing and decide when they will carry the pregnancy.

e. Among the assisted reproductive options, IVF has the highest chance of conception. The procedure also makes use of PGT which helps in determining the genetic viability of the embryo.

While several assisted reproduction options are available, invitro fertilization in San Francisco, CA is considered one of the most successful. However, it is important to seek the qualified opinion of a medical expert before opting for this procedure. The expert will help you understand critical factors that may affect the success of using IVF.

Finally, an institution licensed to conduct IVF will be your best option for the procedure. Contact Laurel Fertility Care- Oakland at

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