Safe and Comfortable with Chimney Repair in Greeley, CO

by | Jun 14, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

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Most people understand that keeping your chimney clean is a safety decision. When creosote, soot, and ash collect, you have a higher chance of a flue fire or chimney fire. Older chimneys may be obstructed by debris, including fallen mortar, which interferes with chimney draft. For the safest and most-efficient operation, you’d be wise to get in touch with a company that specializes in all things associated with heating, fireplaces, and stoves.

Thorough Inspection

A thorough inspection by an experienced professional is the first step in making sure your chimney is operating as it should. This expert can report on unsafe conditions and make chimney repair so your fireplace or stove will work more efficiently. Following an inspection, the specialist can also do a complete cleaning, then make necessary repairs if problems are discovered during the inspection and cleaning. Click here for more details about quality chimney repair in Greeley, CO.

If you need chimney repair in Greeley, CO, in many cases it may be possible to replace the chimney liner or install a new one if an older chimney has been working without lining. You may also want to discuss animal prevention with your representative. Steps can be taken to keep critters from trying to make a home in your chimney when it’s not in use.


You will have an established working relationship with experts who not only help with chimney repair and cleaning, but also the installation and maintenance of fireplaces, gas stoves, wood-burning stoves, pellet stoves, and more.

They’ll be happy to discuss proper wood-burning techniques with you and will help you prevent smoke issues. If the fireplace damper is not giving you proper service, these experts are be available to repair or replace this key item as well. Call the experts today for chimney repair. You’ll be glad you did.

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